Bad End Night Fanart

fanart of the night vocaloid song series by hitoshizukup x yama. the eight featured characters (miku, rin, len, gumi, gakupo, luka, meiko, and kaito) are all present and in the outfits they wore in the accompanying music videos. miku is floating on the bottom left while the rest are crowded behind her in an ornate gold frame with curtains. behind all of them is a night sky colored blue and a bright yellow moon, as well as a grandfather clock.

completed: May 23, 2024

dimensions: 4000 x 3119px

A tribute piece to HitoshizukuP x Yama’s four-part song series. I really like this saga, from the actual music to the character designs to the story. So, it was only proper I tried to make fanart of it to give it some due respect. I’ve made Bad End Night fanart previously a few years ago, but I wanted to be more ambitious with the composition and color this time around to showcase my improvement.