Crossed Paths Redraws

this series of artworks are part of a little series where i redrew the crossed paths artwork from octopath traveler: 2. so they are all gathered here in one page for convenience! ^_^ ordered chronologically.

a colored redraw of ochette and castti's crossed paths artworks from octopath traveler 2. the colors are warm with a butter yellow sky, orange and magenta trees, and grass with yellow, cyan, and magenta details. castti is sitting down with a mortar and pestle, and ochette is knelt on the ground looking in curiosity.

completed: March 13, 2024

dimensions: 1900 x 2000px

Apothecary and Hunter

A redraw of a piece of art from Octopath Traveler II, my favorite game. It’s Castti and Ochette’s crossed paths artwork. I usually resort to these types of redraws of official game art when I’m in a bit of a creative slump, and while I’d usually opt out of including them in my ‘portfolio’, I like how this one came out enough to include it (not like this is a professional thing anyway). Used one of the color palettes I found online, so working within the confines of that helped me get creative when picking colors to shade and use for the environment.

a colored redraw of throné and temenos's crossed paths artwrok from octopath traveler 2. the color scheme is heavy on navy blues and deep purples in both the background and the characters' clothes, with throne's lantern and their skin tone adding contrasting yellows and oranges. temenos is seated in the bottom left at a desk reading a book, and throné is seated on a step ladder holding a lantern.

completed: March 15, 2024

dimensions: 1900 x 2087px

Thief and Cleric

I liked the process of interpreting art from Octopath 2 with the previous Castti and Ochette painting, so I decided to do it again with Throné and Temenos’s crossed paths art. Rendering rigid furniture is a weakness of mine, but I liked using the moodier purple color palette. I love both of these characters and their designs, and they’re among my favorite travelers in Octopath Traveler 2 (though I really do love just about all the protagonists in different ways).

a colored redraw of osvald and partitio's crossed paths artwork from octopath traveler 2. the color scheme is characterized by contrasting blue and cyan shadows and cream, yellow, and orange highlights. partitio is seated and looking into a telescope with his hat flying off of him, and osvald is standing above him and pointing in the direction he's looking at. behind them is a swirly mixture of colors representing the night sky with white and yellow stars.

completed: March 18, 2024

dimensions: 1900 x 2000px

Scholar and Merchant

Continuing my gimmick of redrawing the crossed paths art from Octopath Traveler 2, I moved on to perhaps my favorite duo of the eight-traveler cast - Osvald the scholar and Partitio the merchant. These two have totally different circumstances and reasons for traveling, yet they were paired together by the game anyway, and I do love the little dynamic they have in the game. Painting them properly was quite fun, especially with the color palette I chose. It was very warm, even when accounting for the complimentary blues, so conveying the night sky without making an outright sunset was a fun challenge (the night sky being a necessary element due to their story involving creating a telescope and stargazing).

a colored redraw of agnea and hikari's crossed paths artowkr from octopath traveler 2. the color scheme is warm and earthy with muted greys, greens, and blues contrasted with bright oranges, yellows, and reds. agnea is dancing on the left side with her eyes closed, and her blue-green shawl is flying behind her. hikari is standing beside her and holding a lantern. the background is a night sky with a yellow moon and dark clouds.

completed: March 20, 2024

dimensions: 1900 x 2146px

Dancer and Warrior

To round off my redraw series of crossed paths art from Octopath 2, here’s Agnea and Hikari. Agnea’s pose, particularly around her hand, was sort of difficult to nail in a convincing way, especially with the imprecision my painting style tends to have. As such, I ended up redoing the hand pose to be something I was more used to doing.

Happy to see the series done! I started this redraw series of paintings on a whim and only committed to the bit to see the full collection, and now that it’s done, it feels real nice!